1) Find duplicate files. This one time, I needed to find all the duplicate files in two directories. find 1/* 2/* -type f -exec md5sum {} \; | sed -e s,1/,,g -e s,2/,,g | sort | uniq -c | egrep "^[[:space:]]+2" The output looks like this: 2 d308c1674d2c49d53872fe522d9943bf README The "2" indicates that there were two files with this hash and name. 2) Grab DNS requests from a PCAP using tshark. tshark -r [filename.pcapng] -T fields -e ip.src -e dns.qry.name -Y "dns.flags.response eq 0 and ip.src ne and not (dns.qry.name contains google) and not (dns.qry.name contains facebook) and not (dns.qry.name contains youtube) and not (dns.qry.name contains akamai) and not (dns.qry.name contains fbcdn.net)" 3) Sign a JAR using .keystore file. jarsigner -keystore [my.keystore] -storepass 'password' -tsa http://timestamp.digicert.com [file.jar] [alias] 4) "grep" in PowerShell. sls [string] [file] -ca | select -exp line 5) Change IPv6 address on Failover Cluster node. Get-ClusterResource "DHCP IPv6 Addr" | Set-ClusterParameter @{"Address"="2001:db8::"} 6) Strip the filename extensions from a collection of items. foreach ($file in Get-ChildItem) { Rename-Item $file $file.fullname.replace(".txt","") } Alternately, here is a technique to append a filename extension in bulk: foreach ($file in Get-ChildItem) { Rename-Item $file "$file.txt" } 7) Change the PowerShell prompt. Function prompt {"# "} 8) Extract the Google searches with the word "define:" in them from https://myactivity.google.com/myactivity JSON output. (Get-Content *.json | ConvertFrom-Json).event.query | where-object { $_.query_text -like "define:*" } | select-object query_text | % { $_.query_text.replace("define:","") } | sort-object -Unique 9) Get currently logged-on user for a specific $hostname. Get-WinEvent -Computer $hostname -FilterHashtable @{Logname='Security';ID=4803} -MaxEvents 30 | select @{N='User';E={$_.Properties[1].Value}} 10) Build an alphabet. $alphabet = [char[]]([char]'a'..[char]'z') 11) Get the serial number from a list of $hostnames. Get-wmiobject Win32_Bios -ComputerName $hostnames | Select-Object __SERVER, SerialNumber 12) Stream a video over IP multicast using VLC. vlc.exe --sout udp: D:\file.mpeg --ttl 16 13) Is my terminal 80 characters wide? perl -e 'print "*" x 80; print "\n";' 14) Who is logged in to a remote Windows computer? (https://stackoverflow.com/a/30917569/5459668) query user /server:$SERVER 15) Insert an ephemeral static route: New-NetRoute -AddressFamily ipv4 -DestinationPrefix "" -NextHop "" -ifAlias "Loopback" -PolicyStore ActiveStore New-NetRoute -AddressFamily ipv4 -DestinationPrefix "" -NextHop "" -ifAlias "Loopback" -PolicyStore ActiveStore 16) Iterate over PuTTY saved sessions and do something useful, such as pscp or plink: Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\SimonTatham\PuTTY\Sessions\*" -Name HostName,UserName | ForEach-Object { plink -l $_.UserName $_.HostName } Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\SimonTatham\PuTTY\Sessions\*" -Name HostName,UserName | ForEach-Object { pscp -scp -l $_.UserName "$($_.HostName):nvram:startup-config" "$($_.PSChildName) backup $(Get-Date -Format FileDate).txt" } 17) Test the SHA-512 hash of a file named 'foo' against the contents of 'foo.sha512'. function Check-File ($f) { return (Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA512 $f).Hash.toString().toLower() -eq (Get-Content -Path "$($f).sha512"); } 18) Convert a Julia vector into an R column. v2c(v) = chop(reduce((a, x) -> a * string(x) * ",", v, init="c(")) * ")" 19) Create normally distributed random numbers in Excel (runif -> rnorm). =NORM.INV(RAND(),0,1) 20) Compute the line of best fit for matrix X (size m*n) and vector Y (size m*1). xa = hcat(ones(size(x, 1)), x); beta = inv(transpose(xa) * xa) * transpose(xa) * y 21) Sum of the squares of errors sse(prediction, actual) = sum((prediction - actual).^2) 22) Create zero-padded directories 01 through 15 in Julia. mkdir.(lpad.(1:15, 2, "0")) 23) Run the latest php:apache container with Docker from the current working directory. docker run -dit --name my-php-test-site -p 8080:80 -v "$PWD":/var/www/html/ php:apache docker ps docker stop my-php-test-site docker rm my-php-test-site 24) Generate a random MAC address with the U/L bit clear (unicast) and locally administered bit set. (Using Julia). random_mac() = reverse(string.(digits(rand(UInt64) & 0xfeffffffffff | 0x020000000000, base = 16, pad = 12), base = 16)) |> a -> [a[2i-1] * a[2i] for i in 1:div(length(a), 2)] |> b -> join(b, "-") 25) Estimate the jitter (variable latency) to a networked host using the standard deviation of ping round-trip times (in PowerShell). (Test-Connection wjholden.com -Count 10).Latency | Measure-Object -Average -Minimum -Maximum -StandardDeviation 26) Multiply two polynomials quickly. Coefficients are interpretted with the least-significiant term first. You may need to pad enough zeros to fit the result. ifft(fft(x) .* fft(y)) 27) Filter Facebook posts for IOS tips. @pipe JSON3.read(read("your_posts_1.json")) |> filter(x -> hasproperty(x, :data) && length(x.data) > 0 && hasproperty(x.data[1], :post), _) |> map(x -> x.data[1].post, _) |> filter(x -> occursin(r"Cisco IOS tip"i, x), _) 28) Hideous JShell create directories 01-25. IntStream.range(1, 26).mapToObj(i -> i < 10 ? "0" + Integer.toString(i) : Integer.toString(i)).forEach(s -> new File(s).mkdir()) 29) Iterate over directories and do something in Bash. for dir in ./*/; do cd "${dir}"; go run main.go; cd -; done 30) Set the MAC address in PowerShell. Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name Ethernet -DisplayName "Network Address" -DisplayValue "020000000000"